WOD of the Week: AirDyne + Sandbag WOD
This week's WOD is suggested from Cory P.
"Whole body cashed after. It's awful but a good one."
What You'll Need:
The Workout: 50-40-30-20-10 AirDyne Cal and Sandbags
- 50 AirDyne Cal
- 50 Sandbag Trainer G2S (Ground to Shoulder)
- 40 AirDyne Cal
- 40 Sandbag Trainer G2S (Ground to Shoulder)
- 30 AirDyne Cal
- 30 Sandbag Trainer G2S (Ground to Shoulder)
- 20 AirDyne Cal
- 20 Sandbag Trainer G2S (Ground to Shoulder)
- 10 AirDyne Cal
- 10 Sandbag Trainer G2S (Ground to Shoulder)
Want to see your WOD in the next newsletter or show off your time? Email us at team@fringesport.com - we love photos/videos of you showing us how it's done or your favorite workout pic.
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