Set Yourself Up for a Great WOD with Mini Bands

Reduce your chance of injury, while warming up with our mini bands!

A lot of times whether you're in your garage or training with a class, between the hussle and bussle of life and work, you either show up and need to get your workout in quickly, or running late and miss out on a valuable and important warm up.

Squats, cleans, sprints, and box jumps are just a few of the exercises that are very essential to training and also deserve and need an essential preparatory warm up before hand.

Anytime you are using the hamstrings and glutes to move quickly, exert force, or spend time under tension, without prior movement and engagement of the tissues, many times they can be pulled and overstrained, taking you out of the gym and out of commission for weeks on end.

Mini Bands are the solution to getting in a quick and effective glute, hamstring and total posterior chain warmup. Check out a couple of the simple exercises that you should incorporate in every one of your pre-workout preps.

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