workout ·
11/19/2016 WOD of the Week
This week's WOD was submitted by @matt_morton1239 on Instagram:
I wanted to get my finish in a clip from this crazy workout... But the camera shut off right before my last set.
It didn't want to watch the pain lol.
...I double dog dare you
My time: 30:50... Slacked a little in the middle lol
What You'll Need:
- Barbell
- Bumper Plates
- Assault Bike
The Workout: For time (40min time cap)
- 45 Deadlift 185#
- 45 Burpee Over Bar
- 30 Front Squat 135#
- 30 Burpee Over Bar
- 15 Overhead Squat 95#
- 15 Burpee Over Bar
- 15 Overhead Squat 95#
- 30 Front Squat 135#
- 45 Deadlift 185#
EMOM 5 Cal Assault Bike before returning to workout
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